Farm Happenings at Warner Farm
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Posted on October 12th, 2021 by Lacey Arnold

It’s finally here – the last week of the 2021 CSA season! 20 weeks ago, we were celebrating the first strawberries of the year and looking forward to warmer summer days. In mid-July, we were cursing the relentless rain and crossing our fingers for sunshine. With the arrival of August came an abundant peach harvest followed by heaps of sweet potatoes this fall. It is certainly a bittersweet feeling to see our season come to a close, though we’re less sorry to leave this season behind us than some in recent memory :) 

In these last few days, we are filled to the brim with gratitude, relief, excitement, and anticipation of both the restful months ahead as well as the 2022 growing season. We fully acknowledge that this season has brought abundance in many ways, accompanied by wildly unpredictable yields in other ways. With unpredictability comes the need for creativity, resiliency, patience, and a deepened appreciation for everything we have, and we are so grateful for each and every one of you for bearing with us through the peaks and valleys that this year has brought.

What a journey it has been; thank you for supporting us along the way by being a part of our CSA program. See you next year! 


Since our CSA season is coming to a close, please make sure to use up any remaining credits you still have on your account! Credits WILL NOT roll over to next season. Any credits remaining on your account after October 21st will be lost. If anyone has any questions about using their credits, please don't hesitate to ask! There's certainly plenty to spend your credits on – check out the extras section to add to your share!

If you are looking for anything specific before the season ends that you do not have or have not seen available, please send me an email to inquire! We may be able to source it for you from one of our partner farms and can send it out with your last share. We make no promises, but we are quite happy to ask around and help our customers stock up for the winter. 

Please be on the lookout for the end-of-season survey that will be coming your way toward the end of next week! We want to hear all of your feedback, be it critiques, suggestions, compliments and kind words, and everything in between so that our CSA can better serve our members. 

p.s. There's still plenty of time to visit Mike's Maze at Warner Farm this season! We know many of our members are pretty far away out in eastern MA, but we definitely think we are worth the journey (and are confident you'll agree)! 


Add in or swap out these items when customizing your share:

  • Baby bok choy
  • Red bell peppers
  • Yellow onions
  • Acorn squash – new! 
  • Green cabbage
  • Purple top turnips – new! 
  • Russet potatoes
  • Gold + chioggia beets
  • Red + green head lettuce
  • Salanova lettuce
  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Parsnips
  • Scallions
  • BULK #2 apples, mixed varieties – available as an extra + great for applesauce, pies, etc.! 
  • Apple cider (gallons + half-gallons) from Pine Hill Farm – available as an extra! 

Fruit of the week: MACOUN APPLES! 

Bread of the week: Leinsamenbrot

Mushrooms of the week: Oyster

*All items listed above are available for swapping as well as purchasing as extras unless noted otherwise*



Sausage-stuffed acorn squash

Roasted root vegetables

Maple apple pie with walnut crumble topping