Hooray! Strawberries are here finally! I waited to send out your box contents for this exact reason, I wanted to be sure strawberries would be ready. So we will be kicking off our strawberry season with your boxes!
We're winding down with asparagus season, so get your fill now! Most likely one more week after this one.
This week we've been busy with more seeding, planting, weeding & WATERING!!! It's dry already and its not even July yet! Hopefully we'll catch one of those thundershowers this weekend.
PICK-UP Reminders:
Opoma Farm Store from 9-1pm
Please try to arrive before noon, & be sure to get some of their grass fed beef!
52 Helena Avenue between 9-11am
***97 Hilton Avenue between 8-12pm (different # this week because Delish Kitchen is away)