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Farm Happenings at Wooler Dale Farm
Farm Happenings for October 1, 2020
Yeah! Rain! Seems to be the saying this year! Yes, even in fall things can get dry and our fall cauliflower were starting to suffer! This rain will give them the boost they need to make some nice big heads. For now though, we will have some mini cauliflower to get us by!
BEANS! We have some a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 24, 2020
New this week, spinach and baby radishes!
Frost hit hard this past week. We covered our peppers and beans, so they made it through. But our field tomatoes are now finished. It's dry again in the fields, so we started irrigating our cauliflower, hoping they will start to form heads in time for thank1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 17, 2020
New Potatoes are here! And they are looking great! Just in time for this cool weather and roasting season! The cool weather also slows things down quite a bit here. We're hoping the frost at night holds off, because we still have some beans, peppers, tomatoes and egg plant to ripen in the field &am1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 10, 2020
Officially fall is not here yet, however it sure feels like it! Or I like to say soup weather! The fall crops are looking a lot better than the summer crops. New potatoes will be back next week and are looking amazing! Cauliflower are starting to form, so it wont be much longer for them either. Squ1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 3, 2020
Lots of beautiful beans from our new seeding this week! We seed beans every 2 weeks throughout the season, to ensure we have beans for you! Our last seeding we call our "thanksgiving beans" are flowering now and will produce our last set of beans for the season. Beans are heat lovers, so they reall1 read more »