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Farm Happenings at Wooler Dale Farm
Farm Happenings for July 2, 2020
Garlic Scapes ! If you love garlic, you'll these garlic scapes! They are the top of the garlic plant, and have to be harvested so they don't go to seed and take all the energy away from the bulb. Garlic scapes can be eaten raw, stir fried or made into pesto! I just got inspired by one of our member1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 27, 2020
Asparagus season is now over, and strawberry season has started! This cooler weather is a nice treat for me and my newly transplanted seedlings. It gives them time to set some roots before the next heat wave. So much of my time & energy lately has been tied up watering seedlings & newly see1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 25, 2020
Strawberry Season is here!! Available this week as an extra, flats (6 quarts) of strawberries for $36!
We've been busy picking strawberries & watering all our new plants in the ground! If you have your own little garden too, I'm sure you can see not much enjoys this heat and it's super dry! Hop1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 20, 2020
Hooray! Strawberries are here finally! I waited to send out your box contents for this exact reason, I wanted to be sure strawberries would be ready. So we will be kicking off our strawberry season with your boxes!
We're winding down with asparagus season, so get your fill now! Most likely on1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 18, 2020
Strawberry sighting! They're just starting to ripen for us, so hopefully lots for your boxes next week! Peas are flowering, & garlic scapes are starting to peak through. Onions & Shallots just got weeded and are looking awesome, & the hoop house cherry tomatoes are almost touching the t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 11, 2020
What a crazy spring! Our first crop of asparagus was frosted off in mid-May & then with the heat wave we barely could keep up with them! All and all, they're here!! Asparagus is the first field crop of the year. Other goodies you'll be receiving are from our cold-frame (aka greenhouse with no e1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 11, 2020
What a crazy spring! Our first crop of asparagus was frosted off in mid-May & then with the heat wave we barely could keep up with them! All and all, they're here!! Asparagus is the first field crop of the year. Other goodies you'll be receiving are from our cold-frame (aka greenhouse with no e1 read more »