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Farm Happenings at Wooler Dale Farm
Farm Happenings for August 29, 2020
Tomato Season is now starting to slow down & it's starting to feel like fall! Go figure we'll have a rainy fall! And yes, us farmers will always have something to say about the weather! haha Mother Nature truly is our real boss!
Our heat loving melons had a rough go this year. They are fruiting1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 27, 2020
We've hit our peak with tomato season, and now they will start slowing down especially with the cooler wet weather in the forecast.
Which is great weather for the fall cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower! Our first cutting of broccoli is starting this week. They are not the most beautiful broccoli I1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 20, 2020
Hooray, we got another 2 days of rain! A total of an inch and a half! So I have high hopes for our fall crops! Other than that, nothing too exciting happening on the farm. Lots of weeding and seeding some fall greens. Melons and peppers are just starting to ripen for us, and some lettuce is growing1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 13, 2020
Tomatoes are in full force! Above is a picture of our heirloom tomatoes. They are varieties that are older than 50 years, and haven't been bread to be more productive or crack resistant, they are just old varieties that have amazing flavours! Tomatoes are not on the top of my list for favourite veg1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 6, 2020
The first significant amount of rain since asparagus season! Along with the hottest July ever recorded, it's been quit the planting and seeding season! It's a struggle to get winter storage crops germinated in 30C+ and planting in dirt that resembles dust. Most of our time this seaso1 read more »