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Farm Happenings at Wooler Dale Farm
Farm Happenings for July 3, 2021
Happy Canada Day! I hope everyone has an amazing long weekend!
New this week is green garlic! Green garlic is a bit milder but so juicy! Great to go with your basil to make pesto! Yum!
And yes, we caught a couple thundershowers! So the garden exploded, along with the weeds. So we've been busy getti1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 1, 2021
PICK UP NOTE!! Canada Day is this Thursday, so Whole Health will be closed so pick-up location has changed to a porch pick-up at 115 Main St. Brighton (right done from Whole Health) It's at a residential location and their porch nicely in the shade. You can come anytime from 3-6pm.
Our one va1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 26, 2021
Crop Failure alert! Our strawberries are not looking great. They've been attacked by a few critters this year, including the gypsy moth. Our strawberries are sprayed with absolutely nothing, and this record dry May did not help the strawberries along as well. This is why we are a diversified farm.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 24, 2021
Crop Failure alert! Our strawberries are not looking great. They've been attacked by a few critters this year, including the gypsy moth. Our strawberries are sprayed with absolutely nothing, and this record dry May did not help the strawberries along as well. Being a small diversified organic farm,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 19, 2021
Hooray! The beginning of the farm share season is here! We've been busy this spring! Planting planting planting. Spring began warmer and drier than normal, which meant we were on the fields earlier planting and just kept on planting since we never got rained out. However, we had a frost scare at th1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 17, 2021
Hooray! Our first week of farm shares begins!
It's been a crazy spring thus far! Hot & dry at the beginning, which was nice because we got a lot of planting done. But then a late frost at the end of May, that we manage to get through without losing any plantings. The pattern through it all has1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 10, 2021
Asparagus season is coming to an end! I'm hoping to make it to next week, but this heat wave may end the season sooner than later. So load up now! Asparagus definitely had a rough season. They were frosted at the beginning and the end of May and it was a crazy dry May! It's a short and sweet season1 read more »