New this week! Multi coloured beets! These aren't your grandmas beets! The heirloom orange "touchstone" beet is amazingly sweet & milder on the beety flavour, the pink "candycane" beet has pink and white rings inside & are truly beautiful & tasty, mixed in is the tradition purple beety beet! My favourite way of preparing is just tossing in olive oil and in the oven or BBQ @ 425F for 30min (for baby beets or quartered med/lrg beets).
Hopefully some relief is coming from this heat wave in the near future. Our nights lately have been just irrigating, trying to get the fall crops (carrots, beets, parsnips etc.) germinated. Also, this week our last planting of potatoes go in, along with some flowers.
Spring always seems like a marathon, trying to get all the crops seeded & planted. And at our farm, harvesting asparagus & strawberries at the same time. Now we're getting to the end of the big planting & seeding, so the rest of the season is mostly filled with weeding, irrigating & harvesting. Wahoo!
Your farmers,
Nicole, Jeremy & Ann