Tomato season is rounding the corner now! These beautiful sunny days is just what they need & not too much humidity is great for drying all the foliage from all that rain! Too much rain and humidity breeds disease, the most common tomato disease is blight. So far, things are still looking good. Now they all need to ripen.
Last week we got our fall radish seeded, along with some spinach for September harvest and one last seeding of beans! Our fall carrots and beets also germinated nicely! Which is a relief because germinating fall crops in the July heat is stressful, however this July has been a rainy one! This week we will plant our Thanksgiving cauliflower and broccoli, along with late kale and head lettuce. It's been a marathon of seeding and planting, we seed and plant crops in succession to try and have a constant supply of fresh vegetables (ie beans are seeded every 2 weeks, carrots/beets ever 4 weeks/lettuce every 3 weeks) but after next week I will be finished finally planting/seeding outside. Then one more batch of lettuce/greens planted in September in the coldframe (unheated greenhouse) and then just harvest harvest harvest! Harvest season (September/October) is definitely my favourite time of year! Especially Thanksgiving!