Good Morning!
Thank you for being with us throughout our 2020 Farm season. We are still getting used to the website and the system, plus Harvie has been updating the website to make things simpler. I want to thank you for your patience and sticking with us. At the beginning of our season, Covid-19 shutdown everything so we had no markets. Thankfully, we are in a green zone to allow our markets to back up and running! This means we have a farmstand on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Reading. With that, it makes it easier to post the CSA list on Wednesdays with the cut-off time being 8pm Thursday evening. We also make sure to save portions for the CSA members but if we run out or something happens to our produce (unforeseen circumstances) we will replace items with extras of something else. This is a rare occurrence, but it can happen. We are grateful for your flexibility and support.
As you know, we have lots of farmers in Berks County that we like to support, so this week we have a few items that are not grown by us, but are still organic. Those items are:
Banana Peppers-- very mild raw; more heat when cooked; 3/$1
Asian Eggplant- It's eggplant that grows different. 3/$1
Green Peppers 2/$1
Red Potatoes $2 quart
Canteloupe $1 each
If you know we grow something but don't see it on our CSA list it is either because we didn't have enough for everyone or the harvest is done on that crop. For example, our green beans in the greenhouse are done, but we have more growing in the field.
If you would like to fill your box at our farmer's market tomorrow, Thursday, please message me and i will reserve your box. We will be at the corner of 4th & Penn Street from 10am-2pm. The earlier you come, the more variety you will have to choose from. If you want to fill it on Tuesday at our St Jo market, we will be on the corner of Reed St and Walnut St from 11-2. If you choose this market, I would advise arriving before we start our market to get first picks because we have a full crowd lining up. At both markets, you will receive $4 in Berks Farm Bucks to spend on fresh produce, as well.
If you want to donate your box, BMA has customers outside of the CSA program that we help out. We will be distributing to customers after the market, tomorrow, so please message me today to let me know if that's what you want. I can also donate to customers on Tuesday. All donations are anonymous.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you and have a great and blessed week!