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Farm Happenings at BMA FARM
Farm Happenings for May 29, 2020
This week we our cabbage is super ready to be picked. We still have tons of lettuce, kale, and spinach. Our green beans are slowly starting to increase as we harvest each morning. Our Asparagus is also growing, but not enough to offer in our shares. If there is enough for everyone, it will be put i1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 22, 2020
5/20/20 Happy Wednesday! We are now in our third week of the CSA season and we’re excited to see some new signups! Welcome to our farm! Some of you are receiving your second box this week, too. We have been using waxed boxes because it’s easy to wipe off and sanitize. Plus, it keeps the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 15, 2020
Welcome to our second week of our CSA season! This week we have our cabbage, blue kale, salad mix and so many herbs to choose from. Below is a list of the herbs we have and ways you can use them fresh or dry for later. We offer fresh herbs and also have dried basil and dried sage from last year&rsq1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 15, 2020
Welcome to our second week of our CSA season! This week we have our cabbage, blue kale, salad mix and so many herbs to choose from. Below is a list of the herbs we have and ways you can use them fresh or dry for later. We offer fresh herbs and also have dried basil and dried sage from last year&rsq1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 8, 2020
We are very excited to start our season this week with our current CSA members and friends! Some are ordering outside of Harvie, so this email is for everyone. A few things in our pick list may seem different or unknown to some and we would like to highlight those in this note before you preview yo1 read more »