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Farm Happenings at BMA FARM
Farm Happenings for July 3, 2020
Every Monday and Tuesday, I walk through the fields and greenhouses to get a sense of what we have ready to pick. Today, I saw lots of zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, cabbage, and many other things our customers have already seen. If you're new to the CSA program, I welcome you and hope1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 26, 2020
Happy Tuesday! As you know, we feature mostly what we grow on our farm. This CSA program is a great incentive for us to be able to upkeep the farm and add more options. We also like to help out our local farm neighbors by supporting our friends like they support us by purchasing our produce, too. T1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 19, 2020
We have been busy watching our plants to see when they're ready. We are hopeful to have cucumbers by Friday and will be putting them on the list. Also on the list will be green beans, onions, kale, lettuce, golden beets, and three types of radishes. We are hopeful to have our strawberries in full h1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 12, 2020
We have lots of plants blooming with flowers that will soon turn into tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, and peppers. We also have onions growing in our greenhouse that are almost ready. We have lots of asparagus, garlic scapes, lettuce, kale, green beans and herbs. There has been so much plantin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 5, 2020
We are very sorry for the late email to customize your delivery. We like to give our customers plenty of time to select their produce. We have been very busy today getting ready for our first market of the season! So, it is for a good reason. This week you will see a change in our inventory. We are1 read more »