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Farm Happenings at BMA FARM
Farm Happenings for March 26, 2021
Happy Rainy Wednesday! We love the spring rain! This let's us know the grown is waking up and getting ready for the planting season. We are excited for warmer weather.
This week we have some potatoes from one our local farm friends. In our greenhouses we have turnips, beets, carrots, k1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday!! We hope all of our customers are staying warm this week. We are thankful to have all our plants inside the greenhouses. How are your boxes? We would like to hear feedback from our customers about their shares to build a collection of testimonies for our future customers. We like to1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 12, 2021
Happy Wednesday! We hope you are all enjoying the warm weather, today! We are so happy to see spring starting to visit us. This week our Romaine and Turnips are ready to be harvested. We also have all our greens, carrots, and beets still growing in the greenhouses. Thank you so much for your suppor1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 5, 2021
Happy Tuesday and first week of March! It was super cold out today, however, the show must go on! We were so thankful to have our farmstand in Reading, today. Lots of our customers were happy to see us and we also made some new friends who've not heard of us before. Our farmstand is growing each ti1 read more »