As we approach the end of the CSA season, it feels a bit like setting up for a landing. Birds, like these sandhill cranes, know just what to do. Pilots have their checklists and go through a series of checks before touching down. Calculations are made, distances are verified and gauges are closely watched. Like these aviators, we too have to go through a list to make sure the important details have been covered and that everything is in place for touchdown at the end of the season.
Here are a few things that we would like our members to keep in mind:
- Ask the question: was the size and frequency of my share the right fit for my household? If not, what what I like to change?
- Is there any feedback that you would like to provide the farm? Were you satisfied with the variety and volume you received this season? Feel free to share your impressions with us so that we can plan better in the seasons to come.
- Would you like to join again next year? If so, keep an eye out for an email about auto-renew. If you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to lock in your share for 2022, please read the auto-renew emails so that you can be sure to make any changes to your share. More info to come!
Whether you were a new or returning member, we hope that you've enjoyed being a part of the farm. We thank you for your commitment to local and organic! Our goal as growers is to improve every season. We have experienced some wins and some losses this season, and I can assure you that we are continuing to learn more about the craft of growing food than we ever thought possible. Next year we will navigate our systems using this year's lessons as a guide, and we hope that our commitment to quality will transfer to your table in the future!
Happy landings,