Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
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Posted on August 20th, 2022 by Danielle Boerson

In spite of a hectic couple of weeks and our relative inexperience with building projects, we managed to pull off getting the concrete successfully poured for the pavilion/farm store.  Woot woot!  Everything aligned for us to make it onto the concrete company's schedule and bring in our Amish team of two.  Joseph and Floyd handled the details of the post-pour finishing, and now we are all set to go for raising the roof.  Next steps are to put up the posts and set the trusses.  Once that's done, we'll be onto roofing.   It seemed like we would never get this process started, but at last we are well on our way to creating a space that we know everyone will enjoy.  Stay tuned!

In the meantime, it's go go go time out in the field.  Currently, there are some crops finishing and some that are just beginning.   This week we are adding the first flush of cantaloupe and watermelon to the line-up and will be dipping into a fresh new planting of head lettuce and mini romaine. We just finished digging our red potatoes and will now move onto the Yukon gold type.  And there are plenty of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant to go around!  There are lots of crops to harvest and lots still to plant.  On my docket for this week is seeding arugula and baby kale mix, transplanting fall broccoli and fennel, and planting more salad mix...but first we need to clear out some bed space.  Soon our younger crew members Evan and Henry will be heading back to school, so there is no time like the present to get 'er done out there in field while we still have their help!

And speaking of back to school, that reminds me that our summer share members will be wrapping up for the season at the end of August.  If you have a summer share and would like to continue on for the rest of the season, just let me or Harvie support know and we can extend your share for the full 20-week season.  

That's a wrap.  As always, happy munching and crunching on all those tasty fruits and veggies!  

Till next time,
