Ever wondered how many crops we grow here at the farm? Try 55 +! Our goal is to fill your share with as many nutritious, delicious and beautiful veggies as we possibly can. Whether it's purple potatoes, yellow carrots or orange tomatoes, we are seeking out the best in flavor, texture and appearance. Even if you typically like to stick to the standards (red tomatoes and orange carrots DO have their place), you will have plenty of opportunities to try new things this season. So hold onto your hats as the culinary adventure continues!
Speaking of carrots, our first field planting is finally sizing up enough for harvest, which means that they will be making an appearance in many of your boxes this week. Snap peas are abundant, beets are bountiful, greens are galore and eggplants are arriving. Check out your share for this upcoming week to see what the farm is sending your way. Make swaps or add extras to customize your default selection and let us know if you have any questions about the system so far.
We hope you can tell how much we love growing great food. There is more to come, so stay tuned!