As we reach the mid-point of the season we can see our wins, our losses and everything in between. We are two months into the CSA, and all things considered the farm is in good shape. Although we've had too much rain in some moments, we had enough in others. Although unexpected pests and diseases have taken out some crops, others have thrived considerably better than we could have imagined. The ebb and flow of factors has kept us on our toes and forced us to pay attention to the details, which has resulted in a steady supply of food (even if the supply of a given crop isn't always sufficient). The truth of the matter is that every season there are crops and varieties that don't work out, and as your growers, we have to navigate the situation and make sure that we still have enough food to go around. An increasing demand coupled with an increase in environmental challenges has made it hard to have enough of everything all of the time, but the diversity that we've built into our system allows us to lean on other crops when the one we want is out to lunch. In the end, we appreciate your membership and your willingness to stick with us for an entire growing season. We will continue to take it a week at a time as we move into the second half of the season and will make notes as we go about the ways in which we can improve our offering.
So thanks for sticking with us and we look forward to letting you know what's coming down the pipe. I'll give you a clue about one crop that I know many of you are excited about...and that is sweet corn! At this point it's looking good and our late planting is sizing up nicely. So hang tight and enjoy your carrots and potatoes in the meantime:-)