Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
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Posted on August 31st, 2024 by Danielle Boerson

The wait is over.  Our late planting of super sweet, bicolor sweet corn is finally ready to pick. So far, the ears are looking good! The stand has weathered many storms this season and managed to survive the winds.  For weeks we've been watching the silk.  It emerged appearing fine and golden yellow.  Then the tops of it darkened to brown, and the ears started to plump up.  Now the tips are beginning to fill, so it's time to start picking!  

Sweet corn may be the focus this week, but it's not all we are harvesting these days.  We are busy digging carrots and potatoes, cutting greens, bunching beets, and cleaning onions.  The onion harvest is complete and most of our stock is curing.  Summer crops like sweet peppers, tomatoes, green beans and eggplants are still producing but peak has passed for many of them.  We will transition from abundant tomatoes and peppers to colorful roots, bulbs, winter squash and greens.  Eating vegetables in season is pretty sweet indeed; it is an experience that keeps things interesting and fresh, and that we believe, is good for all of us.  Enjoy your veggies!
