Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
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This Spud's for You

Posted on September 21st, 2024 by Danielle Boerson

If you like potatoes then you'll dig how we grow them at the farm.  It's no-till all the way with our potato crop.  In the spring we prepare our growing beds and drop the seed pieces into shallow furrows.  Some soil is thrown on top of the seed, and then then whole section is covered with marsh hay.  We add a second light layer as the plants are pushing through and then wait for the tubers to size up.  When we first start digging, the plants are alive and the potatoes are waxy.  As time passes, the plants die back, and some of the sugars in the potatoes are converted to starch which makes for a fluffier final product.  Harvest is the fun part (just ask Alexis!).  We find the center of the plant, push away the mulch, then begin to hunt for all the potatoes on that cluster.  All of the hand dug potatoes are gathered into crates and then sent through the root washer.  From there, they are bagged and weighed and sent to your table.  So far this season we've been enjoying the reds and the golds.  Now it's time to go for the purples!  We'll start digging purple potatoes this week, so look for them in the line up when you customize your share.  


We are about 3/4 of the way through our CSA season with just 5 weeks remaining for our full season veggie shares.  If you have had shares put on hold now is the time to find good weeks to reschedule those held shares.  It may mean doubling up if you get a weekly box delivery but you will still be able to customize both shares if you choose. If you have questions this link will guide you through the process!  

There are a handful of new fall crops on the horizon for October, including 2 types of winter squash, spinach, red and yellow onions, shallots, celeriac and our popular fall radish mix.  Stay tuned to make the most of your upcoming shares!
