This week has been super exciting!
- We've collected 1000 litres of sap already!
- We have green house tomatoes in the share this week!
- Our first calf was born, it's a boy (bull)! Our first calving season has begun.
- We have a new hamburger patty recipe. We have added a little more beef fat to make them a bit more juicier.
- We will be seeding in the green house shortly as it's warming up. This means we are going to begin planting seeds in trays so they grow a couple of inches before we transplant them outside .
Summer share sign up is still open! Tell you friends and family :)
It's also spring thaw time which means MUD....EVERYWHERE. If you come to the farm this weekend, be sure to stay on our driveway and DO NOT enter the normal parking lot because you will get stuck here and we will make you do chores if you mess up our parking lot.
Have a nice weekend!
-The Cooper's
~ Please return boxes & Bags~
We accept egg cartons & mason jars back.
*Home delivery members please leave out cooler for shares*