Lettuce Rejoice!
May 11, 2023
Spring Share Week 6
It’s Week 6 of the Spring Farm Share!
You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.
Here’s a how-to file:
If you run into any issues, please email support@harvie.zendesk.com, you can also reach out to me at firmlyrootedfarm@gmail.com
Also, please remember to return your cooler bags and binder clips.
What’s in the Box?
I’m all about the hakurei turnips right now. They are abundant and delicious and have always had a bit of a cult following among our market customers. The conversation around them always begins with: “oh look, white radishes,” then we explain they are actually a Japanese turnip called ‘Hakurei’ and that they are sweet and crisp with a hint of spice.
Try them grilled with olive oil, or tossed in a stir-fry; try them creamed in soup, or raw with humus. You can’t go wrong. And yes, the greens are edible: think cousin to spinach with a mild mustard bite.
This is likely the last week for green garlic, and I forgot to mention that last week was the final week for green onions until the next batch are ready which will be mid-month.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A few folks have mentioned that they haven’t had a lot of choice when they go to customize, or that their favorites are gone. It’s a tricky time of year to produce veggies, and we are down an entire greenhouse (it lost it’s plastic in December and we are just about ready to recover it). We are prioritizing you lovely folks, and doing our best to fill your shares, but there is inevitably less choice than you may be used-to or may desire. Rest assured with the return of the sun our first field plantings will be ready soon, as will more favorites such as asparagus. We thank-you for your patience and your devotion to spring salad!
On the Farm
The seedling greenhouse is BURSTING with so many plants.
For the seedling sale we start most things in very small cells then pot them up into their final homes a few weeks before they are ready to greet their new families. We’ve been doing A LOT of potting up this week, which is one of my very favorite things to do and I just about had to be dragged out of the greenhouse this past weekend when my family found me sneakily fitting in some extra potting-up time.
We also did a lot of greenhouse “flipping”, which is what we call it when we pull one crop to make way for another. To do this we: remove the crop by hand and with hand tools, broadfork, amend, and tilther (which is like the worlds tiniest, gentlest tiller), and then rake.
By the time you read this our first round of cucumbers and cherry tomatoes will have been planted in their readied beds. The plants smell like the fruits they will bear and I swear I can almost taste them. I am 100% ready for summer over here. You too?
That's it for now, happy eating until next time.
Farmer Tamara