Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! June 20, 2024 - Week 3 Summer Farm Share

Posted on June 14th, 2024 by Tamara McMullen

It’s Week 3 of the Summer Farm Share!



Administrative Details

*Please remember to return your cooler bags and label clips.  They are shockingly expensive and we are forever running low :)*

You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday June 17th to do so.   

Here’s a how to file:

If you run into any issues, please email, you can also reach out to me at 

If you run into issues at your pick-up, please reach out to me at 519 441 1556.

Harvie University

Harvie has excellent help files on all sorts of topics, they call their help file database ‘Harvie University’, you can find it here:


What’s in the Box?

The cucumbers are ready!  In 2023 I planted a really lovely thin skinned variety and the earwigs nibbled on all the developing fruit and scarred them.  This year I went back to my favorite 'Corinto', which has a slightly thicker skin, more like a field slicer, and  the fruits are perfect.  I am so pleased!

The garlic scapes are coming in earnest now.  It's time for garlic scape pesto:


The sugar snap peas are quickly approaching, though they are at least a week away, same goes for zucchini.  

The broccoli will be here soon as well, likely next week, with cauliflower following 1-2 weeks after that.  

The strawberries I talked about in the spring are a bit of a disapointment.  They are producing very poorly so we haven't had enough to sell.  Sorry folks!  The summer raspberries are looking very promising though.  Win some, lose some.  

On the Farm



It was a wonderful week.  On Monday we weeded for nearly the whole day and the farm is sparking clean.  We also planted more lettuce and carrots, put in another round of cucumbers and tomatoes, and got most of the ginger in.  The sweet potatoes are all planted leaving peppers as the last major early summer planting.

Now if we can just survive next weeks heat wave...    

That’s all for now, happy eating until next time,

Farmer Tamara