Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! June 27, 2024 - Week 4 Summer Farm Share

Posted on June 21st, 2024 by Tamara McMullen

It’s Week 4 of the Summer Farm Share!



Administrative Details

*Please remember to return your cooler bags and label clips.  They are shockingly expensive and we are forever running low :)*

You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday June 24th to do so.   

Here’s a how to file:

If you run into any issues, please email, you can also reach out to me at 

If you run into issues at your pick-up, please reach out to me at 519 441 1556.

Harvie University

Harvie has excellent help files on all sorts of topics, they call their help file database ‘Harvie University’, you can find it here:


What’s in the Box?

We have the most gorgeous broccoli coming up, along with the first few cauliflowers.  The zucchini is coming along, and the sugar snap peas will be ready to pick early next week.

There are a few less cucumbers this week, and possibly next week as well.  The extreme heat caused the plants to abort several newly forming fruits.  I get it cuc's, this week was rough!   

We still have lots of kohlrabi, fennel and garlic scapes, though not for long.  If you love these, enjoy now as their season will be over if the next 1-2 weeks.


On the Farm


It was as hot as predicted and if I'm honest, working through it was tough. But, we've got the best damn crew and they came in early and worked through the sweat with smiles and laughter.  Love you guys!


We put in our peppers (about 350 of them), and round 2 of basil.  We seeded and weeded and picked so many garlic scapes (we grow about 6,000 garlic plants and each one has a scape). 

At the end of the first very hot day our kunekune pig named Ginger, gave birth.  She's a first time mom, also called a 'gilt', and she only had two piglets.  And she stepped on the second one.  It was a stressful evening for Brian and I, wondering if a piglet was stuck or if she was truly done birthday, and wondering if we could help the piglet that had been hurt.  Luckily, Brian's mom was able to pull some strings and get us into see a vet who stiched the piglet up in no time.  She's doing great.  

That’s all for now, happy eating until next time,


Farmer Tamara