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Farm Happenings at Fresh Start Farms
Farm Stand Open Now! Local food & gifts for the holidays!
Ordering is open for the Farm Stand (our online store) now until Tuesday at 11am! Think of it like a Farmers Market online — we’ve got all sorts of local veggies, fruits, meats, cheeses, eggs, pantry ite1 read more »
Winter Week 5: Last Week - Thank You!
It is the final week of the Winter FarmShare! Thank you so much for being part of the Fresh Start Farms community this season. 2022 FarmShares go on sale in January. Keep your eye open for the announcement and early-bi1 read more »
Winter Week 4: Winter greens & new maple products!
Week 4 of the Winter FarmShare and lots of new products this week! Click any of the photos to learn more about the new products, holiday gift boxes, the highlights from this week's harvest, featured recipes, and more!1 read more »