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Farm Happenings at Fresh Start Farms
Spring Week 6: Bok Choy, Tomatoes & new products!
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It's week 6 and the spring FarmShare is over halfway through! Have you signed up for the Summer FarmShare, yet? The growing season is just getting started and there is so much to look forward to. This week, we have bok choy1 read more »
Spring Week 5: Heirloom tomatoes, Tortillas, Steak & more!
Fields are being tilled, seedlings are sprouting, and a few crops are ready to harvest. Summer is on its way! Look forward to lots of new items this week like organic corn tortillas from Mi Tierra, Grass-fed Sirloin Steak, Hummingbird Nuggets,1 read more »
Spring Week 4: New Ravioli, Hot Sauce, and Cheese!
The farming season has definitely started! Sibomana's garlic is peaking out of the winter straw covering and Sidi and Isha planted carrots and beets last week! Look forward to more mustard greens and the first harvest arugula fr1 read more »
Spring Week 3: Greens, Basil Pesto Bread, new Mola Foods, and Farm to School
Things are taking off at the Dunbarton farm - lots of seedlings are planted and sprouting, garlic and leeks are shooting up, and greens have arrived! Look forward to more mustard greens from Sylvain, plus lots of other delicious veggies, basil1 read more »
Spring Week 2: Fresh Start's First Spring Harvest
It's week 2 of the Spring FarmShare! Sylvain harvested the first batch of mustard greens on the Dunbarton farm and we have some special spring treats for you this week. Follow the links below to learn more, for important member info,1 read more »