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Farm Happenings at Fresh Start Farms
Summer Week 13: Share Appreciation for your Farmers
In late August, farmers start to feel the effects of the season. Peak summer means many exhausting weeks on a hot dry farm with long days and big harvests. Battling weeds and pests can feel like a losing battle. At this time in the season, conn1 read more »
Summer Week 12: Plums, nectarines, and peaches
Peaches, plums, and nectarines from Sunnycrest Farm and lots and lots of blueberries. Plus, 2 for $2 zucchini and summer squash! Click the links for highlights from this week's harvests, an NHPR article on our Mobile Market, info about Man1 read more »
Summer Week 11: New chocolate & cheese!
The height of the harvest season means more tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, greens, and summer squash! Sidi and Isha have a nice crop of broccoli ready to pick this week and Isho is picking the first of her lunchbox pepp1 read more »
Summer Week 10: Happy August!
August is here and with it comes large harvests and endless watering and weeding! Lots of tomatoes, green peppers, eggplant, and blueberries. Plus, the first of cantaloupe and watermelon! Click the links for highlights from this week1 read more »