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Farm Happenings at Fresh Start Farms
Summer Week 15: Primetime of the veggie-growing season
It's primetime of the veggie-growing season! Tomatoes are in full swing: hothouse, plum, heirloom, and cherry! Plus there's plenty of summer squash, lots of varieties of peppers, eggplant, leafy greens, and a bounty of herbs. The farmers have t1 read more »
Summer ’23 Week 14: Fresh Choice Manchester Update!
Part of our work here at Fresh Start Farms is improving food access in our community through a number of food access programs. Our colleagues Savitri and April are running the Mobile Market this summer which is having great success, and colleag1 read more »
Summer Week 13: Despite the rain, we've got veggies!
The summer is well-underway and all-in-all, it's been a pretty wet one! According to the Northeast River Forecast Center (a division of the National Weather Service) Merrimack County received 8.76 inches of rain during the month of July,1 read more »
Summer Week 12: Partnership with NH Food Bank
We hope that the month of August is off to a good start for you! The cooler weather is very refreshing, especially for the Fresh Start Farmers who work tirelessly growing, maintaining, and harvesting so many vegetables! Did you know that1 read more »