In the next couple of weeks, you'll get a chance to explore different ways to use squash. The simplest way is slice it or chunk it and sautee it with plenty of onion for about ten minutes. Throw in some chopped kale and a can of black beans at about minute seven and you've got a nourishing dinner. There are a number of recipes online for pasta salads using raw squash, and squash can be incorporated into breads and muffins to delicious effect. Most of you will see apples this week as well. The yellow variety, Pristine, has a thin skin and bruises easily, but they taste great with sharp cheese. The red variety is called Summer Gala, but they're not as sweet as the Galas you may be familiar with. We're still picking peaches, and though we try to get them off the trees while they're still hard enough to travel, they ripen really fast in this weather, so you may wind up with some soft ones. They make great cobbler.

Back to Farm Happenings at Great Country Farms
Farm Happenings for July 28, 2020
Posted on July 27th, 2020 by CSA Manager
About the farm

Great Country Farms is a diversified family farm on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Using sustainable growing practices, we raise 50 to 60 crops each year, which we sell to members and visitors. We believe it is important to make clean, nutritionally vibrant food available to as many people as possible. It is our mission to give people a chance to see how their food grows, and we want to preserve the ecosystem of our soil for future generations.
Offering more than just a Community Supported Agriculture program, come visit Great Country Farms for pick-your-own fruits and veggies, a farm market with local products and baked goods, our 12 acre play area with activities for all ages, and seasonal festivals.
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Offering more than just a Community Supported Agriculture program, come visit Great Country Farms for pick-your-own fruits and veggies, a farm market with local products and baked goods, our 12 acre play area with activities for all ages, and seasonal festivals.