Farm Happenings at Heritage Family Gardens
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Extra summer shares!! Have a happy 4th of July!

Posted on June 20th, 2024 by Lindy Clark

Hello everyone!!!


We're so excited to start our Summer deliveries! We also are going to be opening up our signups for every week delivery this coming Wednesday, so if you would like to have fresh produce once a week instead of every other week, we've got you covered! We have a lot of tomatoes coming on as well as peppers, and we've got squash going in this week as well like green beans and cucumbers. We're also going to be putting seeds in for herbs and flowers in the ground, so things are going to be looking very pretty around here!


We just got another shipment of baby chicks, and we're enjoying hearing them cheep! They're getting big, and we've got 2 more batches coming this summer, so we're going to be busy busy busy!!


We have got the farmers market starting the week of the 4th of July, and if anyone would like some coupons to use there, we've got lots of weeding and planting that we could definitely use help with!


We're enjoying the warm weather, and are enjoying being outside with our hands and feet in the dirt!!


We'll have some new things on the docket this week! We have garlic scapes which is like green garlic. we've got bread (which will actually be in the options this week!) We have got the usual greens, we'll also have radishes and we're going to have hummus, kimchi, sauerkraut, and we'll have some cherry pie filling for your 4th of July celebrations!!


We'll be having some emails going over the next couple days that will give more info on the signups for the summer!! Currently, if you have a summer share, you are signed up for every other week. We're going to offer an Every other week share that will cover the weeks that your'e not currently signed up for, and an option to sign up for weekly deliveries if you have friends or family who need fresh produce and meat in their lives!


Thank you so much for your support! We're so happy to be able to grow and share delicious and healthy food to share you all!!


~ Thankfully, Your farmers,

Ben and Lindy Clark