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Farm Happening for June 3

Posted on May 30th, 2021 by Ilene Freedman


  • Make any changes to your harvest list or hold your pickup for another time--before the 7am Wednesday cut-off time.
  • Please remember to shut frig doors in the Veggie Shed. They were left open a few times last weekend. Thank you!  
  • Reminders: Cross off your name in the Veggie Shed, shut frig windows, and match your items exactly with your list (Curly Kale is different from Russian Kale). Help your kids do these things too if they are helping you collect your produce.  
  • You can pick up your share Thursday or Friday 9am-7pm or Saturday 9am-5pm. We are more available to assist you on Thursdays or Fridays, but all three days are available to you. 


Spring is for greens and I hope you've been enjoying them! Turnips and kohlrabi are two crunchy crops that balance all the lovely green things. Peel the tough purple skin of kohlrabi and just slice kohlrabi or turnips and eat raw! They sautee nicely too. We are harvesting the first few zucchini this week. Don't fret if you don't get some this week; there will be plenty coming, along with wonderful patty pan squashes. Enjoy the bok choy raw as edible spoons, chopped in salads with a sweet soy-sesame dressing, or sautee with garlic scapes and scallions. My family use big napa leaves as a wrap. This week I hope to make summer rolls in rice wraps with chopped napa, bok choy, scallions, lettuce and some added carrots, and a peanut dip. Delicious! What are you eating these days?! Share on the Facebook Group for House in the Woods Farm and Friends. Inspire and be inspired.


Garlic scapes “are a fun and loopy byproduct of the garlic plant. It’s the seed pod, and since you don’t even grow garlic from its seed (you plant its cloves from the bulb), you can snap off these seed pods. i love that they are edible. They have a garlicy juice that stays on my hands for a day or two after harvesting. Chop em up and scapes are wonderful in stir-fries or roasted or baked.” Go to the blog for more fun photos of my sons modeling the scapes (a long time ago) and more info and recipes.


Sometimes I will put out a call for Farm Hands. These are opportunities to help out on the fields. A few people mentioned wanting to get involved. Want to get your hands dirty and feel productive? Help feed us all? Get some gardening experience? This week we have a lot of planting to do, email or text me (301-461-6575) if you’d like to set up a time to plant some seedlings this week. I’ll show you how, then leave you to it. A good job for adults. If a family wants a task, I have jobs for you too!

Farm Hands Heads Up: Sweet potatoes grow from a sprout that shoots off of a planted sweet potato and its called a slip. We'll be planting sweet potato slips on Friday June 18 (maybe Thursday and Saturday too). Stay tuned for more details.