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Farm Happening for June 10

Posted on June 5th, 2021 by Ilene Freedman


  • Please remember to shut frig doors in the Veggie Shed. So important in this heat. Thank you!  
  • Reminders: Cross off your name in the Veggie Shed, shut frig windows, and match your items exactly with your list (Curly Kale is different from Russian Kale). Help your kids do these things too if they are helping you collect your produce.  
  • You can pick up your share Thursday or Friday 9am-7pm or Saturday 9am-5pm. We are more available to assist you on Thursdays or Fridays, but all three days are available to you. 


Spring greens give way to some heavier crops like kohlrabi and summer squash. Kohlrabi is an alien-looking bulb that is popular in Europe. Peel away the purple skin and slice the white bulb to eat raw with dip or lightly sautee or grill. Don't overcook a kohlrabi! They are best raw. The greens are good for cooking. Take a risk and try this unusual vegetable. The summer squash--zucchini and yellow patty pans will really start coming in over the next few weeks.  


Sometimes I'll offer up a "Farm Hands" opportunity. These are opportunities to help grow the crops that feed our community. You might be planting or harvesting. You'll learn a lot along the way! Next up is sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes grow from a sprout that shoots off of a planted sweet potato and its called a slip. We'll be planting sweet potato slips on Friday June 18, probably Thursday and maybe Saturday too. We'll keep you posted. Good job for all ages.