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Farm Happenings for July 18, 2024

Posted on July 11th, 2024 by Ilene Freedman


Time to indulge in the heirloom tomatoes! They are bodacious and beautiful. House in the Woods Farm is well known locally for our heirloom tomatoes. You have been enjoying Cherokee Purples. The red hybrids and heirloom oranges are ripening next. We also grow a nice hybrid red variety for a red slicer. Your boxes contain a mix of them. Here is a column I wrote for the Frederick News Post with a bit of history about heirloom and hybrid tomatoes and the difference:


When available, we will sell ten pound tomato flats. Let Ilene know if you are interested. Our flats are deeply discounted from store prices for local, organic heirloom tomatoes. Enjoy while we’ve got em!

In your share, tomatoes can be doubled if there are spares in the swap, but not tripled+. If you can’t get a first box on your list, please let Ilene know. Everyone who wants a box of tomatoes should get one.


Happy summer! It’s time for peppers and tomatoes and eggplant and onions. Make ratatouille! Grill vegetables. Summer squash and cucumbers continue, as we pick from our second planting. We hang on to some greens as long as we can in the heat, like kale and chard. Phil is a lettuce magician, so lettuce too.

U-PICK UPDATES: Enjoy the summer U-Pick flower row featuring zinnias. The Bean Hut is looking lovely! Look for beans low in the hut. Who wants to pick green beans from the Bean Row? Go for it! Pick cherry tomatoes from Candy Lane, they are sweet and just getting started.


Have you seen the sunflower garden near the parking area? Behold the beauty! Emily's Stand is a memorial sunflower patch, grown with love. This year it is round to represent a bullseye, because Emily was a nationally ranked archer. Read the story of Emily’s Stand here: