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Farm Happenings at Joy Haven Farm
Week 5 Summer is here!
We have really enjoyed the cool temperatures of the longer than usual spring, however Summer has stormed its way in and the heat is here! Hard to believe we are at the half way mark of our 10 weeks Spring/Summer Session. The tomatoes and cucumbers will be in your shares soon and the greenbean plant1 read more »
Introducing The Brother's Bee Coffee Roasters
Nathan and Stacey Mills are the owners of The Brother's Bee Coffee Roasters and live right here in Shorter, AL. We are excited to offer you this freshly roasted coffee as a add-on in your weekly share and ask Stacey to tell us about their story...
We are a small family business. We love coffee and1 read more »
Alabama beginning to open up.
Kay Ivey announced last week a gradual opening up of Alabama starting 5/11/2020. We have decided to error on the safe side and continue to do our drive thru pick up at both Eat South and Farm locations. To simplify and speed up pick up we are asking that you place a sign in front window on the driv1 read more »
Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash oh my!
The first deliveries of 2020 went very smoothly and we hope everyone is enjoying their veggies. I do vote that all automobile makers standardize trunk openers (Haha)! Due to our new normal we are a little sad not to be able to really meet our new members and it was a quick hello through masked face1 read more »