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Farm Happenings at Joy Haven Farm
Week #6 Summer is Here!
Well summer is official here in the river region of Alabama. Tomato plants are loaded and many of those tomatoes are beginning to blush. Cucumbers are sizing up and of course we are still harvesting loads of summer squash. Coming soon are peppers and eggplants!
Last week we included lettuce mix fro1 read more »
Week #5 CSA Teaching the next generation!
One of the most rewarding parts of farming is that the grandchildren love everything about it. They gladly pick and eating right off the plant things like cucumbers, blueberries, and love pulling carrots out of the ground. Their expressions make it all worth the long days and the very late dinners.1 read more »
#4 Spring/Summer CSA
Week #4 Spring/Summer CSA.
We have begun harvesting cauliflower and summer squash. Caterpillars are munching on everything especially the cauliflower and broccoli plants! The number of caterpillars is staggering, Ive honestly never seen this many. We have decided to harvest all cauliflower heads th1 read more »
Spring Cauliflower coming soon!
Week 3 in here! I spotted the cauliflower beginning to form heads while doing my weekly (was daily lol) farm walk through. The squash and zucchini are also blooming and should be producing within 2 weeks.
The severe storm that came through on Monday night brought heavy rain, wind and we lost power1 read more »
Week #2 Spring/Summer CSA
White Stem pac choi is my favorite Asian Green! It does well in our heat and its one of those veggies that bridges the winter and summer crops. My other favorite (not as photogenic) is the sweet snap pea. Both of these yummy will be part of our week 2 offering. read more »