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Farm Happenings at Joy Haven Farm
Spring/Summer CSA Week #7
With all the rain and warm weather the peppers plants are starting to shine! This will be our first week harvesting shishitos so a few of you will receive in your share, by week 2 & 3 we won't be able to keep up with the picking! And the jalapeños are loaded and we just waiting fo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 25, 2022
Week #6 and the half way point of our Spring/Summer CSA.
Things are beginning to heat up and those plants that love it hot are starting to shine, like eggplants and shisito peppers! We will also be busy, busy harvesting green beans to go in shares this week. We also will be including some orga1 read more »
Week #5 Spring/Summer CSA 2022
Nothing says summer like yellow squash and zucchini! Its the first harvest so we will have a limited amount available for this weeks delivery but don't worry there will be plenty more over the next few weeks. Green bean harvest will begin soon and will be ready for week #6.
Thank you for bein1 read more »
Week #4 Spring/Summer CSA
Even thought we think of lettuce eating in the summer it is a cool weather crop. Our springs here in Alabama are short and we usually get a week or 2 of lettuce, however this year we did a lot of planning secessions and searching out heat tolerant varieties to get a few extra weeks of lettuce. Comi1 read more »