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Farm Happenings at Joy Haven Farm
Myer Lemon season
Citrus season is right up there with tomato season for our household! We love adding fresh grapefruits, Myer lemons and kumquats to our favorite dishes or just our morning tea. Each year during this time we make the drive to Montevallo several times and harvest citrus from our friends at Spring Cre1 read more »
Citrus season
Its citrus season!
While my daughter was attending college in Montevallo she regularly reached out to local growers for produce. On the advice of a fellow student she visited Jim and Mildred Knowles at Spring Creek for a few apples. Well the rest is history as they say and we have been visiting the1 read more »
Dusting off
Along with many in our beautiful state of Alabama Hurricane Zeta hit our little farm pretty hard. We did not have damage to our home and were safe, however the growing area received high winds and did not fair so well! Thursday morning it was clear we needed a little time to1 read more »