People are funny.
To listen to the media these days, you would think that we live in a world of polar opposites. They proclaim that people say things are too this....and yet other things are too that. What is often not commonly reported, are those experiences where we find ourselves in that weird space that that is neither/or ... and we aren't quite sure what to make of it...and that is when we start to ponder, discovering new ground.
I believe that is often referred to as 'growth'.
Every spring, I always follow the same strategy. Sweet Peppers on the one side, Hot Peppers on the other side, with all the Eggplant carefully planted in the middle.
Now, for the Eggplant, which is neither sweet nor hot, the experience for them must be almost like....well, how does that Stealers Wheel song go...?
"Clowns on the left of me, Jokers on the right....and here I am ... Stuck in the middle with you."
Eggplant is truly a unique vegetable that has qualities that are not duplicated anywhere else. There is an air of 'je ne sais quoi' Perfectly normal and yet intriguing, somewhat mysterious with a hint of allure.
It is interesting to note that there is not another vegetable that we grow that evokes such a strong response from our members. There is never middle ground. People either HATE it!!! or LOVE IT!!!!
Thank heavens our shares are customizable.
Eggplant's popularity has much to do with its' versatility. It can be roasted, baked, steamed or even sautéd and as such, it can evolve into many things that are new.
Fun sidebar, Eggplant originated from India though ...and not sure how this happened...but it wasn't really cultivated in any kind of systematic way until the Chinese got hold of it around the 5th Century BC. So it has been an object of intense discussion for quite sometime now.
Here on the farm, we grow four different varieties...or perhaps it is actually five. Can't remember. There is the Black King, the White Star, the Japanese Shikou, the Sicilian and the Little Fingers. They are all a bit tricky to grow but their needs are similar and once you figure it out ....then, as is the case this year, one is 'blessed' with waaay too many eggplant. know.... one can always purchase MORE...should one wish to.
Just putting that out there
Beyond eggplant, there are a few extra surprises this week from the field. I would tell you about them...but then...well, that really isn't a surprise then is it? I will let you go and explore and see for yourself.
Maybe this is the week you find your family loving something you always thought they hated or hating something that you always thought they liked.
Who knows.
And just maybe...
....somewhere, stuck in the middle of all of that, there is that 'thing' that creates a totally new experience for all of you...
...and then you will have something to sing about.
Enjoy -)