Farm Happenings at Mike's Garden Harvest
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Farm Happenings for September 23, 2024 - the ask

Posted on September 21st, 2024 by Mike Milsom

It sure wasn't funny at the time, but it could honestly have been a sketch for a 70's sitcom.

So, this was back ....oh geez...  early days of the farm now. I was still on Greta's land. Every CSA member was someone that called about the pamphlet that I had created myself and put in their mailbox.  I believe at that point I was working on some 20'ish customers with many of whom, there had been a number of conversations before they signed up.  Totally understandable. It was also fun, because it allowed me to get to know the people in a more personal way.

Now I am all about the growing and connecting people with how their food is grown and getting it them fresh.  I am fond of saying, my strength is in the field. That being said, there is a business side of all of this that has harsh realities that must be respected in order to do the 'thing' that we love to do.

It was also the time of the year, when I was trying to get the farm rolling and everything to scale...buying all the pipes and hoses and sprinkles was a big hurdle.  I believe at the same time, I had just been red tagged by Hydro that Friday and so there needed to be a solution by that Monday as all my plants were in the nursery under lights.

So there I was. In someone's home. Friends really in this case who had expressed interest in buying a share. I was warmly greeted at the door by herself. 

"MICHAEL! How nice to see you.  HONEY.... MICHAEL, our farmer is here! Come in...come in, Michael. Honey?? .... Michael come into the living room and have a seat."

In comes himself.... we shake hands and he gracefully guestures me to sit inbetween the two of them.

"Nice to see you Mike. What brings you by?"

Before I got a chance to reply, herself gushed, "MICHAEL, is here to talk to us about his farm and all the amazing vegetables he is going to grow for us this season."

"oh...ok....  ....err...ummmm....  great".  Then turning to me, are things going?"

Now one of the keys to selling, I have learned, is not to sound or look desperate.  So I looked him the eye and confidently responded with, "Great. things are going great. Just trying to move ahead and get everyone sorted so I know how many I am growing for."  

"Right....  well..." then he looks to his wife for a moment trying to remember if they had ever had a conversation about this.

... an awkward moment ensued...

I and quickly started trying to take control of the space by talking about all that I had intended to plant and all the work I had put into the crop plan.

He nodded along...seeming to take some interest at least.  

She gushed, "and he is bringing those fresh vegetables right to our doorstep. Isn't that amazing, honey"

Another pregnant pause... and I could feel the knot in my stomich tighten. His expression shifted slightly and it was obvious he had come to some kind of descision. Holding my breathe, I awaited the verdict.

"Well, ummmm....  sounds like you are working hard. I respect that. Good for you Mike. I guess we need to write you a check or something.."

Another agonizing pause...

"Ummm"... him, glancing over to herself.....  "we do have Cuba next week, so maybe we could pick this conversation after we get back?"

My heart sunk. I turned to her, with a hopeful smile. She got the memo and she quickly advocated.

"Michael needs us to committ to our share so he can go planting. Let's sign up today."

I turned to him..with a 'back to you buddy' look and he shook his head, looking at her...and with an affection tease.

"you know how you 'get' when we are travelling....spend, spend, spend"

I forced a chuckle, just to affirm him. But she wasn't having it and with resolve she stood up.

"You are being silly! I'll behave!! Don't you l listen to him Michael..I am going to sign up right now. I'll just go get my checkbook."

I felt a huge weight off my sweat glazed back as there was a resigned sigh from beside me. I turned to him with an empathetic expression that implied, 'what else can a guy do'.  He smiled and nodded. I shifted the conversation to hockey as the Sens were doing well that year.

Then.. my elation evaporated in an instant ...when from the other room....

" you know where my cheque book is?  I swear I just left it on the dining room table......"

Heavy sigh from beside me.

"Did you check the kitchen table?" asked with a hint of exasperation.

From the other room.... "yes....I swear I can't see anything without my eyes in.. lol.

I turned to himself and smiled in a 'it will all be alright' sort of way to reassure.

Finally she returned, looking a bit distracted...  "I don't know...honey just give Michael a check please..we have kept him long enough"

He hung his head in defeat. We both knew this was checkmate...but would he conceed?

I held my breathe.

"Alright...what do we owe you Mike"...

Thank God!

Ten minutes later...pleasantries exchanged ...I was out the door, with check in hand that went straight to the bank.

Mission accomplished. The farm had lived to see another day -)

Because of these folks, and people like yourselves that have come alonside, we are able to do what we do. There are always challenges, but that is what keeps things interesting for sure.

Pivoting, I am going to stray from the conventional wisdom here with a very respectful 'ask'. 

There is little choice at this juncture. I am taking a big chance here, but I am trusting this will be seen in a benevolent light.

You should have all received a letter from the farm via Harvie highlighting our gift card promotion. While being sensitive to everyone's personal budgets, we really need this drive to be successful. In the big picture, while the CSA base, which is carefully managed, does cover the costs of the basic operation throughtout the season, there were investments in infrastructure that had to be made. These contribute to our season's success and those expenses have to be met. Essentially, we stole from Peter to pay Paul...but now Paul is out of pocket and struggling.

The gift card venture is called a 'gift for tomorrow'. That is two sided. On the one side, it will be honored by us at the Farm Store which will open starting next Saturday the 28th and will remain open until the end of the season. It also makes a great gift for someone, who might want to save it for next year. On the other side, by coming alongside, you are helping the farm see another day... and you will be an important part of the story -)

Meanwhile, today...there are is so much to choose from, I honestly don't know where to begin. So I am going to dash off and finish the the offering for the week. We are also harvesting heavily in the field today in anticipation of the week ahead and looking forward very much to re-opening the farm store once again.  

Any questions, please feel free to write directly to  

In the meantime, savor this lovely weather and enjoy the bounty that is coming -)
