Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Farm Share Week 13: Enjoying The Last of Summer

Posted on August 23rd, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 13 of the Farm Share! It's time to get on and customize your share. We are beginning to run low on bags again so please return them, make sure to leave them out if you are getting delivery. Also, we REUSE all quart, pint, half pint containers, so please return these with your bags as well. 

On The Farm



It was a busy week of bed prepping and planting and weeding! We harvested all our onions, so these are coming in the shares this week, sadly not a good crop for us this year. 

I've been on a "staycation" this week with my sister and her kids visiting from Vancouver so I've been a bit removed from the farm happenings this week. I did bring Rosemary and Lark into the field to chomp on ground cherries, something they are very willing to do (not so much the planting, haha). 

We are SO fortunate to have such a fantastic crew of staff and volunteers to allow me that chance to take a break. Not only do they help us an incredible amount - but we also share laughs and life advice... it's a little community within a community. Very grateful for that.

Susan and Mary Ann putting in all the work while the young 'uns are vacationing ;) 


My Dad got some pretty cool drone shots of the farm!

What’s Fresh This Week

You may find more herbs in your share this week, because we have quite a good selection of them this year and I thought they might bring a bit of interest into the shares. I made tea from lemonbalm, it was quite delightful! Beets and spring onions are also back! And we have yellow potatoes and corn from Pfenning's. Plus, of course, lots of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, mini romaine, salad mix, jalapenos, kale, and more! Our peppers are taking a break for a week or two; in the heat of the greenhouse the flowers got dropped so we need to wait a little bit for the next big flush! 


We have been having a lot of BLT and tomato on toast around here. We made a creamy pasta with cherry tomatoes. And we have had tacos, nachos, and fajitas! 

This is the time of year for fresh salsa, my friends. Or Pico Di Gallo as it is sometimes called. 

The basic recipe is tomatoes, garlic, jalapeno, onion, lime, cilantro. If you have never tried to make your own, this is your sign to give it a try. 

Try out your own Pico Di Gallo from this recipe here! 

My favourite way to roast cherry tomatoes for freezing: olive oil, salt, garlic, basil, and roast on 300 for a few hours. 

Thanks again and please enjoy the veggies! I am always just an email away if you have any questions, comments or concerns! We love when you share pictures on social media too!!

Your farmer,
