Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Farm Share Week 14: Try the Tomatillos!

Posted on August 30th, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 14 of the Farm Share! It's time to get on and customize your share. We are beginning to run low on bags again so please return them, make sure to leave them out if you are getting delivery. Also, we REUSE all quart, pint, half pint containers, so please return these with your bags as well. 

On The Farm

As I write this we are headed up as a family to my parent's cottage on the French River near Sudbury. We're looking forward to some time together away from the farm, which is always asking us for attention! 

This week we spent some time planning what will go into our hoophouses for the fall/winter season. In just a couple weeks, we will be pulling out all but 4 beds of our tomatoes and all of our cucumbers to make way for a steady supply of salad mix, spinach, kale, herbs, spring onions, chard, and broccolini that will last us through til December. 

This is always a bit hard to do, because we have spent so much time nurturing these tomatoes to the point where they are now. But, the seasons change, and we always have to be thinking a few steps ahead. 

The fields are looking good right now - leeks are growing, melons are coming along, fall carrots and beets are looking really good at the moment! Radish and turnip are sprouting, cabbage and bok choy and broccolini and kohlrabi are establishing themselves. These fall greens are like a repeat of our spring offerings. Ah, the cycles of the season! 

What’s Fresh This Week

So we have a customized Farm Share, on purpose because it allows for choice which I know is important to most people. And it allows our members to manage what they like and do not like/want. Before, when we ran a traditional CSA, we put the same ~7 items in everyone's share. That put a lot of pressure on us to please everyone, which of course we couldn't. So I'm happy to have a customized Farm Share/CSA now! That being said, it still isn't as customizable as, say, going to the grocery store! It still requires a bit of flexibility with the ebbs and flows of the season, and ideally that is part of the enjoyment of it!

All that is to say - folks, we have a lot of tomatillos right now. A lot of them! This might be something you NEVER buy at the grocery store, but it is part of the uniqueness of being a Farm Share member. Try them! I will include a variety of recipes below for you to try.


Prepare for some tomatillo recipes. Let's get acquainted with this interesting veggie:

Tomatillos are those little green gems wrapped in a papery husk, often mistaken for green tomatoes. Peel away the husk, and you’ll find a bright, tangy fruit that’s perfect for adding a zesty kick to your meals.

Tomatillos: Let's Get To Know One Another: Quick Tips:

  • Flavor: Tangy, citrusy, and slightly tart.
  • Storage: Keep them in their husks in a cool, dry place; they’ll stay fresh for weeks.
  • Prep: Rinse off the sticky coating before using.

How to Use Them:

  • Salsa Verde: Blend tomatillos with garlic, onion, cilantro, and a bit of jalapeño for a classic green salsa.
  • Roasted: Toss with olive oil and roast until soft. Great for sauces or as a side dish.
  • Grilled: Skewer them whole for a smoky, tangy addition to your grilled veggies.

Try This:

  • Tomatillo Avocado Dip: Blend roasted tomatillos with avocado, lime juice, and a pinch of salt for a creamy dip.
  • Tomatillo Chicken Stew: Add chopped tomatillos to a simmering pot of chicken, onions, and spices for a hearty stew with a tangy twist.

Tomatillos are a fun and versatile ingredient that can brighten up your dishes—enjoy experimenting with them!


Braised Chicken with Tomatillos & Jalapenos:

Pozole Verde:

Steak and Corn Salad With Tomatillos:


Enjoy the veggies, and that last weekend of August!

Your farmer,
