Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Farm Share Week 16: Bok Choy!

Posted on September 13th, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 16 of the Farm Share!

Wow, week 16!!! Just think of how many veggies you have consumed. Good for you!!! 4 weeks left after this one until our Fall Share. It's time to get on and customize your share! Have you returned your bags? And quart/pint containers?  

On The Farm

Finally, all our outdoor transplants are done! This week, we started to take out crops from the greenhouses - beans, cucumbers, half of the tomatoes, eggplants. It is bittersweet; we are often reluctant to do this, because we've spent so much time and energy to get them to grow and produce in the first place! But now is the time to plant our fall crops so that we can continue to harvest after the frost comes. Kale, spring onions, spinach, salad mix, chard, and some herbs will take their place and we will harvest them until Christmas.

We have 7 spots left in our Fall Share so if you'd like to keep getting fresh organic veggies from our farm for six weeks from November to December, now is the time to secure your spot. 

Fall kohlrabi, cabbage, beets, carrots, and broccolini are doing well out there in the field and we should have them in just a couple weeks!


What’s Fresh This Week

 You'll see less tomatoes in the share this week, and we have said goodbye to our cucumbers. I am pretty darn impressed that we have harvested them every week since the start of the Farm Share! So they owe us nothing more. Can't wait to grow them again next year, with even better results from what we've learned this year. 

It's still bok choy time around here! Lots of salad mix, lettuce, spring onions, cilantro, dill, tomatillos, radishes (NEW!) and smaller amounts of beets, chard, beans.  No peppers this week but we will have more next week! We have bought in potatoes and butternut squash because the fall feelings are coming around and calling for it. We also purchased some organic apples which are available to add to your shares. 


I'm going to share some bok choy recipes with you. This is quite a versatile veggie that is worth getting to know how to use. The whole thing can be used; the bottom is crunchy, the top is more like spinach. You can chop it up and have a bok choy salad, add it to stir-fries for a good nutritional crunch, saute it on its own with various seasonings, or make soup out of it. Probably even more things that I am not aware of!

If you want to see a really adorable video, check out this reel, it's also a bit of a recipe too:

Here are some other recipes to try:

10-Minute Garlic Bok Choy 

Roasted Bok Choy 

Ginger Garlic Noodle Soup With Bok Choy

Bok Choy 101 Video

Thanks for keeping us growing! 

Your farmer,
