Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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2024 Farm Share Week 19: Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on October 4th, 2024 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 19 of the Farm Share!

This pick up is right before the Thanksgiving Weekend, and we have an abundant roster of produce to choose from for your feasts. *NEW* our customization window has been extended til midnight on Monday! 

Final Week For Some Bi-Weekly Members!

If you are a bi-weekly member who picked up on September 27th (week 17); this is your last week! Thank you for being part of our Farm Share this year, your support has meant a lot for our farm and our family. We hope you enjoyed the experience of connecting with your food and how it is grown, the seasonal nature of the growing season, and the the ups and downs of it all.

If it is your final week, we will have a checklist on pick up to record bag returns, please return all remaining green bags this week, final shares will be packed in a paper bag. Thank you!

On The Farm

This was an exciting week for us as we saw many of our fall crops ready for harvest! We harvested carrots, beets, hakurei turnips, cabbages, and kohlrabi - all crops that we planted back at the end of July. We are pretty happy with the results! Well, except for the carrots, which continue to elude us. Some are amazing, some rotted in the field, and many are just wonky. I'm calling them Spooky Halloween Carrots! I think our clay soil, compaction and water retention in the field is contributing to conditions that carrots don't like. The carrots taste good, they are just are... unusual and inconsistent, which isn't great from a production standpoint. We are harvesting them this week small and topped - perfect for simply tossing in the oven to roast! 

We prepared ground this week for garlic, and planted a few more greens in the greenhouses and field. We are preparing beds for rest by mowing and tarping for the winter. 

Soon, we will be planting our garlic for the 2025 season. The cyclical nature of farming always has us reflecting on the past and looking ahead. We were very happy with our garlic crop this season and will be planting a similar amount for next year. 

If you would like to buy garlic for planting, let us know! 

This time of year always reminds me of the birth of our second-born Lark, who was born on October 6th 2020. So here are a couple pictures as tribute to her.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a favourite holiday of mine. A day to gather with loved ones and feast on what nature gives us, and count our blessings. How simple, and how perfectly human. I want to send a sincere thank you out to every one of you who has followed us along this season, experiencing the journey of food from farm to fork, sharing the risks and the rewards, bringing our food into your homes. We are grateful for your choice to share this season with us, it isn't the most common nor the cheapest nor the most convenient of ways to grocery shop, and we acknowledge that. Your choice to join our Farm Share is helping us grow this farm to something that will last, that will be impactful in our community, that will sustain ourselves and our staff, for many many more years to come.  


What’s Fresh This Week

NEW this week are Purple Top White Globe Turnips. This is a small, round heirloom variety that works well in roasting and braising dishes. 

Another new crop this week is Arugula! This green does well in the fall. We are selling it in 3oz bags. Mix the arugula with your salad mix to give it a kick.

FENNEL is also back again, try adding it to your Thanksgiving stuffing!

We have lots of Bok Choy this week too! 

We have acorn squash and delicata squash this week. Delicata is favourite of mine - it is super sweet and you can even eat the skin! 

We have 10 garlic braids available this week to add to your share. This is a totally unique gift, why not bring one for whoever is hosting your Thanksgiving dinner?

Also special this week is our Thanksgiving Herbs bundle, a mix of sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano. 

Recipes + Tips

Want to see how delicious Fennel is when roasted? It becomes so sweet and soft. Try this roasted fennel with garlic and herbs recipe

Want to try a thanksgiving stuffing with fennel? Try this fennel and herb stuffing recipe 

Want to see a list of recipes you can make with purple top white globe turnips? 9 turnip recipes here!


Wishing everyone health, happiness, good food, love, and many blessings.

Your farmer, Kim