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Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
Farm Happenings for November 3, 2020
Farmshare members,
Here we are in the transition to November. Halloween, daylight savings, election day, and the second to last week of the CSA- there sure is a lot going on! We've had rain, sunshine, wind storms, freezing temps, and warm afternoons all in a week's time. Many crops are tapering off1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 27, 2020
Hello Farmshare members,
The days are getting shorter and colder and we can no longer start our harvests at 7:30 in the morning as we had been. Just the other morning, a light frost blanketed the farm as the crew started packing Farmshare boxes before sunrise, bundled up in wool sweaters and coats.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 20, 2020
Greeting farmshare members,
*For Full Season and Heart of the Season farmshare members who haven't already, please take a minute to give us your feedback through this 2020 farmshare survey. Fall members, we will send a separate survey at the end of the season. Thank you!*
We are deep into fall1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 20, 2020
Greeting farmshare members,
We are deep into fall these days with morning meetings requiring layers of sweaters and a hot drink in hand.
The sun rising later each day and setting earlier is a gentle nudge towards the long nights up ahead. We are just a week away from the start of the Persephone Per1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 13, 2020
Hello members!
These days, the transition from sun to rain (and back to sun!) means that it is again time to turn in some crops and time to sow more cover crop seed. This last week included exactly that in preparation for some wet weather. Additionally, we’ve started harvesting and curing som1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 6, 2020
Greetings members,
‘Tis the season for making kraut and other fermented goodies! Some of our favorites ferments around here are simple green cabbage sauerkrauts, Kim chi, and Beet kvass. And in the summer we love making fermented half sour pickles. These are all classic ferments, but did you1 read more »