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Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
Farm Happenings for October 5, 2021
Fall Greetings Farmsharers,
The maple trees that sprinkle the woods behind the farm are providing some bright autumn colors to our farm pallet these days. The mud puddles that my toddler loves to bathe in have finally returned to our terrain after months of dry dusty roads. Soups have been simmerin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 28, 2021
Happy Fall Equinox!
Although sometimes a challenge, the coming of darkness can be a welcome structure in which to rest and slow us down. Much to be done these days as the harvest moon slims down each day but with the mornings getting "shorter" there seems to be more time for sleep and slower mornin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 21, 2021
Hello folks,
Irrigation season has officially ended. The cucumbers and zucchini and bean plants have slowed down production to the point we are finding it not worth harvesting. Winter squash colors are brightening up out in the field. And garlic is completely cured. 'Tis the changing of the season1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 14, 2021
Hello farm sharers,
We are reaching the very end of our irrigation season. Every year, if the river maintains enough water for the salmon runs and other river life, the irrigation system shuts off on September 15. This year, we've been riding the line. The river water levels are very low. We have b1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 7, 2021
Hi folks,
What an abundant time of year! Summer crops and fall crops collide into delicious meals. Hearty veggie roasts with potatoes, carrots, beets and fennel alongside light salads of lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers.
The mornings are getting chilly and the crew has been starting off t1 read more »