Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 6, 2019

Posted on September 4th, 2019 by Peter Seely


As the potatoes are now big enough to warrant getting the potato digger out of the shed and into the field, it's time to get digging!  We are starting with the red potatoes.  Other potatoes we have growing are some fingerlings, lots of gold potatoes, and a few Kennebecs and russets. The digger brings them up onto the conveyor, and then we can sort out the plants and soil from the potatoes.  We will generally give them out every couple weeks, though we will have to change that occasionally to make sure that the every-other-week shares (on the alternate week) can get access to them, too!



We usually get peaches from an excellent grower in Michigan and make them available to you, but this past winter his peach trees suffered from extremely low temperatures, which killed the fruit that was developing into this year's crop.  So no peaches this year.  We started to look into replacing them from another grower, but didn't come up with a substitute, so we will just have to wait till next year to get them again. Fortunately the freeze didn't do long-term damage to the trees, so next year's crop should be forthcoming!



We are getting some mushrooms from Gourmet's Delight in nearby Eden.   And while we usually give maple syrup out in one of the first few boxes, this year it will come in one of the later boxes in October or November.  Enjoy the boxes!