Granddaughters Zoe and Reyes Handziak helping with the onion harvest
This week's offerings: New this week is a yellow watermelon, some new potatoes, and the first ears of sweet corn. The potatoes are not nearly finished growing, but it's fun to start the harvest a little early to get the new potatoes. We do harvest them with a machine, which damages the skin somewhat, but it's just too much work to dig them all by hand, so we have to suffer with some skin damage from the digger. (Later in September the skins should be more fully 'cured'.) There might be some beans available this week, but at this writing (already very late to get to you!) it's not certain that they will be part of this week's boxes. If they are, we will just throw them in, and we assume that most of you will be happy to receive them!
Coming soon: Cantaloupes, and peppers.
Peaches will be available not this week, but next week! Barn2Door link coming soon!
We are grateful for rain! Sure helps out a lot -- less time trying to irrigate, and crops grow much better!
Have a great week,
Peter & Bernadette & Crew