Mary Rank, helping here with the packing of the totes, with whom many of you also correspond via e-mail!
This week's offerings: New this week are gold potatoes, leeks, parsley, radishes, and acorn squash.
Coming soon: Other kinds of potatoes (russets, reds, purples) coming soon too! Next week we'll probably offer the buttercup one last time, then after that delicata. Cucumbers and tomatoes starting to wind down. Kale, white onions, and red cabbage likely next week.
Corporate takeover of the organic label: Here's a link to a piece from the Real Organic Project, where it is pointed out that Danone (owner of the Horizon brand of organic milk sold nationwide) is cutting out their smaller New England organic dairies in favor of the larger organic dairies found elsewhere in the country (Texas, California), which can produce cheaper 'organic' milk by buying in 'organic' grain from around the world, instead of relying on local pastures for the feed for the cows.
Too bad!
Have a great week!
Peter & Bernadette