Here we are planting garlic (that will eventually be harvested in 2020); usually we can do it without having to shovel the snow off the field first! But the garlic has to be planted in the fall, since spring planted garlic does not result in decent-sized bulbs in Wisconsin. And if the ground is frozen, that is even harder than planting in the snowy mud, so better this week than next!
November 13th will be the final regular season delivery. That's next week! For some of you every-other-week shares, this week's box (the 6th) would be the final week! The Wednesday following next week's delivery will be the optional Thanksgiving share. If you are not sure if you signed up for it, you can check by logging into your account with Harvie!
For the last regular season delivery (next week!) we can bring to your pick-up site Pleasant Valley Orchard's frozen organic blueberries. They will come in either 5 lb. boxes, or 30 lb. boxes. Those blueberries need to be ordered by Tuesday morning, (the 5th), by 6 am. Cost is $26 for the 5 lb. box, or $115 for the 30 lb. box. So you would be need to be ordering them immediately following receipt of this e-mail, though delivery of them will not be until next week. Sorry for the late notice -- we still are scrambling to get things harvested during the daylight hours, and computer time ends up taking place later than desired! Also next week we will be making available gallon or half-gallon jugs of Bohnhoff's cider; look for that in the on-line store next week!
Despite some problems with some of Harvie's software, we will be a Harvie farm for 2020 as well. If you would care to send to us suggestions and ideas of what Harvie can do better, please send them on to us now, by any form! (You could also be in touch directly with Harvie as well!) One feature that Harvie includes is an automatic renewal for signing up for the 2020 season. You will receive a series of 3 e-mails from Harvie to explain it, and we will likely be putting in a note into your box as well. We would be looking to implement this in the beginning of December. So you would have to click on an "opt out" if you didn't want to be signed up for the 2020 season. If it weren't for the convenience (both for you, and for us), we would not be in favor of having you be automatically enrolled in 2020, but the benefits seem to outweigh the negatives. Of course, if you wanted to sign up later in the winter, you could just opt out for now, but that wouldn't preclude you from joining at a later time. Those who allow themselves to be auto-enrolled will get a credit towards items that can be purchased from the store; full details still coming!
Happy early winter!