Hello all!
Suddenly we find ourselves launching into fall! Geese and cranes are flying overhead, and we see many shifts in the insect and animal life around the farm. This morning we had our first frost of the year; it was a bit of a shock! It didn't do very much damage and most things can still be harvested. We were not too sad to see the cucumbers slow down; they are a back breaker to harvest and we have pickled plenty of quarts (890!) for markets in the winter. We will make some of those pickles available for you folks through the box in a couple of weeks as an add on item, so keep a lookout for those. We want to remind you that the handmade Sundog bags are still available for purchase in the extras as well, and all proceeds from their sales will go to the Edmonton Food Bank.
Our Silas, who has been helping on the farm this year, is off to his first year of high school. We will miss him! He's been great to have around, and it's been really rewarding to see him develop his capacity on the farm. We were happy to receive news that one of our Mexican staff, Jose Juan, received his visa after five months of waiting, and we have brought him over in order to lend a hand with the harvest this fall. He is quarantining at the moment, and we are looking forward to his help in mid-September.
You may have noticed that the carrots we are now harvesting are a heartier variety, suited for soups and stews (though they make a fine raw snack as well), as well as the appearance of cooking onions, cabbage and leeks. We hope that you enjoy this transition into fall, and that the flavors of your veg box help you to appreciate the seasonal change that's upon us.
Jenny and James