I want to excuse my sentence with an apology for being “master of the obvious”, however, it is not at all obvious that it is October 1st today. I mean, huh? I try really hard not to complain about the heat so that I don’t feel bad complaining about the cold, and know I was sort of hoping for a warm September, but it’s October now and the nature of things is that I’m not supposed to wish I were floating the river in October! But somehow, “feels like 112°” has me eyeing up my tubes with an indecent longing.
I should be waxing poetic about low angles of the sun, and evenings of prosecco on the porch, and lazy Sundays (okay, I admit I had one of those, I just didn’t leave the air conditioning!), but instead I find myself drawn to the subject of sweat. And continuously screen shotting my weather app, because WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT?