Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm

Farm Happenings for July 2, 2024

Posted on June 27th, 2024
If every season must have a disaster, then we have arrived at this season’s disaster. While we were all away working farmers markets on Saturday, we had a day long power outage that ceased the operation of the tomato/cucumber greenhouse ventilation during a heat wave. The greenhouse procee1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 25, 2024

Posted on June 20th, 2024
Happy official summer y'all!  The farm seasons are slowly transitioning to heat loving crops.  It won't be long before sweet Italian peppers ripen, and then heirloom tomatoes and eggplant and okra.  We got lucky again this year with Creeksong Farm's sugar snap peas since our crop was1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 18, 2024

Posted on June 13th, 2024
It was as if North Carolina wanted to remind me how beautiful she is, since I had been traveling last week in Colorado, which boasts of dramatic beauty.  And so I arrived to the scene on the farm to welcome me home.  While it is nice to travel and reconnect with old friends and experience1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 11, 2024

Posted on June 6th, 2024
I took a quick trip west to reconnect with some old friends and thought I'd check out some farmers markets while I'm here! Here's the Wednesday Boulder farmers market. They're a fair bit behind us in their season as we leave some cool season things behind and jump into summer squash and cucumbers! read more »